Best-selling author Randy Alcorn, in his book “The Treasure Principle”, shares an important truth about money and treasure by contrasting two men: one from Christ’s parable and the other who had an urgent request for Him.
Alcorn first refers to the parable Jesus shared about a traveler (Mathew 13:44): “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought the field.” Then he shares the story of the rich young ruler who wanted Jesus to tell him how to get eternal life but was not willing to obey Christ’s command to sell all he had and follow Him (Matthew 19:21-22).
This young man (the rich young ruler) wasn’t willing to give up everything for a greater treasure, but our traveler in the field was. Why? Because the traveler understood what it would gain him.
Do you feel sorry for the traveler? After all, his discovery cost him everything. But we aren’t to pity this man; we are to envy him! His sacrifice pales in comparison to his reward. Consider the costs-to-benefits ratio – the benefits far outweigh the cost.
The traveler made short-term sacrifices to obtain a long-term reward. “It cost him everything he owned,” you might lament. Yes, but it gained him everything that mattered.
If we miss the phrase “in his joy,” we miss everything. The man wasn’t exchanging lesser treasures for greater treasures out of dutiful drudgery but out of joyful exhilaration. He would have been a fool not to do exactly what he did.
Christ’s story about treasure in the field is an object lesson concerning heavenly treasure. Of course, no matter how great the value of that earthly fortune, it would be worthless in eternity. In fact, it’s exactly this kind of treasure that people waste their lives pursuing. Jesus is appealing to what we do value – temporary, earthly treasure – in order to make an analogy about what we should value – eternal, heavenly treasure.
As we learned last Sunday, “Christian stewardship is more than the management of things. It is my refusal to let things manage me.” There is nothing wrong with money, in and of itself, unless you are a greedy person. It is not Money that is the problem. Rather, “the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil” (1 Timothy 6:10).
Money, therefore, is a leading indicator of the condition of your heart. As Jesus taught us in Matthew 6:19-21, “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
Our understanding and use of money can be a leading indicator of our spiritual condition. Am I trusting in money, or in the Lord? As author Randy Alcorn describes it, “Consider what Jesus is saying: ‘Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth.’ Why not? Because earthly treasures are bad? No. Because they won’t last.” He later points out, “As surely as the compass needle follows north, your heart will follow your treasure. Money leads; hearts follow.” Amen and amen!
This Sunday, February 23, we will continue our teaching series, “Money Matters!”, with the beautiful truth, “The Treasure Principle” (Matthew 6:19-21) to learn 5 Biblical principles of Christian Stewardship: My Heart always goes where I put God’s Money. Heaven, Not Earth, is My Home. Live for the Line, not the Dot. Giving is the Antidote to Materialism. God Prospers me, not to raise my standard of Living, but to raise my standard of Giving. Please invite someone to join you in the building or online for the Live broadcast on either Facebook (Honolulu AG) or our YouTube channel (Honolulu Assembly of God). We Livestream every Sunday to both locations and would love to have you join us.
Coming Up: Roger Huang, founder and director of “San Francisco City Impact”, a ministry to the Tenderloin district (sfcityimpact.com), will be with us in April. Don’t miss his powerful story and challenge.
Aloha ke Akua!