Joe Minarik shares this true story of his miraculous healing at https://www.storiesofgodsgrace.com.
One day in 2009, I was at work (and) felt a numbing sensation in my left arm and leg. I told my boss I was going home, (but instead heard a voice saying), “Don’t go to home; go to hospital.”
I drove to the hospital. The doctors examined me and said I had experienced an aortic aneurysm. (If I hadn’t gone immediately to the hospital), eventually I would have been dead. The aneurysm measured 4.8 cm; they didn’t want to operate until it grew to become 5.2 cm. Six years later, I had the operation.
Two months later, I was out of breath. I would walk 25 feet and struggle to breathe. My boss finally said I should get checked out. I got a blood test, and the doctor called as I was driving home. “You are in end-stage renal failure,” he said.
I had to go on dialysis, and the doctors scheduled my kidney transplant for July 2016. While waiting for the surgery, I came down with a blood infection. They told me that if I had waited 12 hours longer to see a doctor, I would have been dead. I was in the hospital for two weeks but emerged fine after taking antibiotics. After I got another infection and took antibiotics again, they checked my blood count. Suddenly, for no apparent reason, it was in the normal range!
My kidneys were working again. The doctors removed the catheter from my chest, discontinued my dialysis and told me I didn’t need a kidney transplant. Was it a miracle from God? You’d better believe it. There is no other way to explain it. If you have faith in God and believe in the power of prayer, anything can happen.
In Mark 9 and Matthew 17 we find the story of Jesus’ healing of the boy with an evil spirit. What is intriguing to me in Mark’s account is the interaction between Jesus and the boy’s father (9:22-24). The father is desperate; he begs Jesus, “…if you can do anything, take pity on us and help us.”
What is Jesus’ response? “‘If you can?’ Everything is possible for one who believes.”
Jesus invited the father then, and us today, to unleash our faith and put all our hope and trust in Him. When that happens, “everything is possible.”
I admire the father’s honesty. “Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, ‘I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!’” He acknowledged that his faith was weak. The good news is that Jesus accepted his faith level and immediately set his son free from demonic possession.
Where do you need a miracle? In your health, finances, relationships? What about hurts, habits, or hang-ups? Jesus is telling you and me today, “Everything is possible for one who believes.” There is nothing too hard for Him and no one above Him. There is nothing He cannot do and no one who can interfere with His plans and purposes.
Are you ready to Unleash your Faith? Your spiritual enemy wants you to be restricted, to limit what can happen in and through your life. But Jesus is calling to you to break through any barriers of unbelief and lack of faith. Don’t let Satan convince you that your miracle cannot happen. Don’t let him persuade you that your need is too big for Jesus. There is Nothing Jesus cannot do. “Everything is possible for one who believes.” Unleash your Faith!
This Sunday, October 22, we will continue our teaching series, “Faith Strong!” with the challenge: “Unleash your Faith!” (Mark 9:21-24; Matthew 17:19-20). Don’t be satisfied with anything less than a miracle! Please invite someone to join you at 10:35am either in the building or online for the Live broadcast on Facebook (Honolulu AG) or our YouTube channel (Honolulu Assembly of God). We Livestream every Sunday at 10:35am to both locations. (The sound mysteriously disappeared during part of the Livestream last Sunday, but should be resolved for this Sunday.)
It's finally here! This Saturday, October 21, 11:30am is “Refresh!” – a fun time of creativity, good conversation, and important connections for women and children as we prepare for our upcoming December 2nd “Christmas Lunch and Treasure Trade”. Bring a friend and one of your delicious favorite foods to add to the lunch table.
Aloha ke Akua!