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The Miracle of Incarnation!

December means Christmas and Christmas means the birth of Jesus. Christ entered our existence so that we might be restored to right relationship with the Father. This is known as the “Incarnation” which simply means that Jesus came to live among us, “in the flesh.” He laid aside His royal privilege and took upon Himself our human nature in order that we might receive His divine nature. Consider this parable that illustrates such a wonderful truth.

There once was a flock of birds who forgot to fly south for the winter. Now it was late in December and it was getting awfully cold. God loved those birds and didn’t want them to freeze so He sent His only Son to become a bird and to show them the way to a warm barn where they would be saved from the cold. Most of the birds were leery of this cocky new bird who said he knew the way to safety. The leaders of the flock felt threatened by this bird so they killed him. Some of the flock believed this new bird and were saved from the cold by flying to the warm barn as the new bird had directed. Most of the flock, however, refused to believe this bird and they died from the cold. (copied)

In other religions, the worshipper is required to work up to the level of the “god” they worship. Incredible effort must be given to attain the level of what is demanded, and even then, the worshipper is never certain their efforts will be accepted.

With Christianity, however, we do not have to reach up to God. He reached down to us in the Person of His Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus left His heavenly home, surrendered His lordly rights and privileges, clothed Himself with humanity and became one of us. He was born as a man. He lived as a man. He died as a man. He was the God-man, Immanuel, “God with us.”

Larry Farthing shares this beautiful thought: “Christmas means that”:

He descended that we might ascend (John 6:38, 14:3).

He became poor that we might become rich (2 Corinthians 8:9, James 2:5).

He was born that we might be born again (John 1:14, 3:2,7).

He became a servant that we might become sons (Philippians 2:7; Galatians 4:6, 7).

He had no home that we might have a home in heaven (Matthew 8:20; John 14:2).

He was hungry that we might be fed (Matthew 4:2; John 6:50).

He was thirsty that we might be satisfied (John 19:28; Revelation 22:17).

He was stripped that we might be clothed (Matthew 27:28; Galatians 3:27).

He was forsaken that we might not be forsaken (Mark 14:50; Matthew 28:20).

He was sad that we might become glad (Isaiah 53:3; Philippians 4:4).

He was bound that we might go free (Matthew 27:2; John 8:32-36).

He was made sin that we might be made righteous (2 Corinthians 5:21).

He died that we might live (John 5:24, 25).

He came down that we might be caught up (1 Thessalonians 4:16, 17).


Our new Christmas series, “The Gifts of Christmas”, begins this Sunday, November 26, with the beautiful story of “Mary: The Gift of Devotion” from Luke 1-2. Please invite someone to join you at 10:35am in the building or online for the Live broadcast on either Facebook (Honolulu AG) or our YouTube channel (Honolulu Assembly of God). We livestream every Sunday to both locations.

Note: Immediately after this Sunday’s service, we will “Deck the Halls” by decorating the building for Christmas and then enjoying a delicious, prepared lunch together. (Lunch is provided; you don’t need to bring anything that day.)

Our 12th annual Christmas Lunch and Treasure Trade for ladies and children will take place Saturday, December 2, at 11:30am. Please bring your donations of new or gently used items to the church before the event. Tickets are available at Sunday services or by calling the church office. (Tickets are free and help us know how many to welcome.)

Mele Kalikimaka!



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