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Receive the Power of the Holy Spirit!

Pastor Davon Huss shared this true story about the transforming power of the Holy Spirit featuring missionary Ludwig Nommensen. I had never heard of him so did some research. “Stephen Neill, in his History of Christian Missions, described Nommensen as ‘one of the most powerful missionaries of whom we have record anywhere’ (p348). Another source wrote, ‘Nommensen may have been one of the most successful missionaries ever to preach the gospel’” (courtesy of Wikipedia).

Ludwig Nommensen traveled to begin mission work with a tribe in southeast Asia (North Sumatra, Indonesia). The village chief welcomed Ludwig saying, “You have two years to learn our customs and convince us you have a message worth hearing.”

After two years, the tribal leader asked the missionary how Christianity differs from the moral rules and traditions of the tribe. “We already know what is right,” the chief explained. “We too have laws that say we must not steal, or take our neighbor’s wives, or tell lies.”

The missionary replied, “That’s true. But my God supplies the power needed to keep those laws.”

This startled the chief. “Can you really teach my people to live better?”

“No, I can’t,” responded Ludwig. “But if they receive Jesus Christ, God will give them the strength to do what is right.”

The chief invited him to stay for another six months, during which Ludwig preached the gospel and taught villagers how the Holy Spirit works in the lives of Christians.

“You can stay as long as you want,” the chief finally announced. “Your religion is better than ours, for your God walks with men and gives them strength to do the things He requires.”

Friends, the power of the Holy Spirit is for you! He is available to give you the strength you need in any and every situation. What do you need from the Lord? Provision, deliverance, wisdom? The Holy Spirit is here to help you.

In John chapter 14, the disciples are saddened at Jesus’ announcement that He will be going away (v3). But He is quick to reassure them that He will not leave them alone. Instead, He makes a beautiful promise to them: “I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever—the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you” (v16-18). Jesus must go away but He will return. He will not leave them as orphans so, in the meantime, He will send them an advocate, a comforter, a helper (depending upon your translation). The original Greek word is παράκλητος (paraklētos) meaning “one who comes alongside”. The Holy Spirit is the One who comes alongside us and strengthens and empowers us. He provides what we need to stand strong for the Lord and to declare His Good News.

As Nommensen pointed out, living a God-honoring life is not something that can be taught. It can only happen when we know Jesus Christ as our Lord & Savior and the Holy Spirit is empowering us to be able to do what we cannot do in our own ability. Jesus is Alive and can live His life in you. And the Holy Spirit is the One who can make that happen! May our prayer continually be, “Holy Spirit, I need your life-transforming power in my heart and life.”


This Sunday, June 11, we will continue our focus on the Holy Spirit by focusing on “The Power of the Holy Spirit!” Please invite someone to join you at 10:35am either in the building or online for the Live broadcast on Facebook (Honolulu AG) or our YouTube channel (Honolulu Assembly of God). We Livestream every Sunday morning at 10:35am to both locations. (Note: The 9:30am Adult Bible Class will continue its study of the Book of Romans.)

Father’s Day is coming up on June 18. All men in attendance will receive a gift and prayer. Paul & Kristi Robinson, missionaries to Colombia, will be our special guests that day, both in the 9:30am Bible Class and the 10:35am service. Paul will also be giving the Wednesday Bible Study this week that can be found at the above websites.

Aloha ke Akua!


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