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No one and Nothing can take His love from you!

Erwin Lutzer, long time pastor of “The Moody Church” in Chicago, IL (1980-2016), shared this dramatic true story of the necessity of knowing our benefits.

Peter Deyneka was a Russian immigrant who fled to America in the early 20th century to escape the Communist Revolution.

After arriving in Chicago in 1914 he became a Christian, went to Moody Bible College, and was then powerfully used by God in both America and Russia as a testimony to the saving power of Jesus.

He tells this great story about his escape from Russia. His parents had sacrificed everything to get him a boat ticket to America. Because his family was poor, he got on the boat with virtually nothing. He had no money, just a knapsack with a few clothes, and his mom had stuffed some stale, hard bread into his bag for him to eat on the journey. Deyneka said that, throughout the journey, he would often look in on everyone in the dining hall, wishing that he could have some of the glorious meals they were eating.

Some of the sailors told him that if he helped them with their work that he could eat what they ate – still very meager portions: gruel and hardtack type of stuff – but it was at least more than his moldy bread.

Deyneka said that it wasn’t until the last day of the trip that he realized that three full meals a day came with the purchase of his ticket.

Because he could not read what was written on the ticket, he did not know what he was entitled to.

Are you living to the fullest of the inheritance and promises that the Lord has made available to you? Or are you missing out because you are unaware of the vast riches of His grace and mercy and loving-kindness? His love for you is beyond your comprehension (Ephesians 3:19). It is an everlasting love (Jeremiah 31:3).

John Piper, pastor and author, commenting on Romans 8:35-39 for the 2nd anniversary of the infamous 9/11 tragedy, writes: “Paul spells out the kinds of things that cannot separate us from the love of Christ, and they are the sort of things that happened that day: ‘Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?’ The reason Paul chose to mention so many terrible things is to make sure we knew he was not saying: ‘well, there are some things so horrible that they really could separate us from the love of Christ.’ No. Nothing can separate us from Christ’s love.

No matter what you have done or what has happened or is happening to you, the love of Christ is greater by far. Don’t let the devil or anyone else tell you anything different. No one and nothing can take His love from you. Nor will He ever withhold it from you. You can live each day secure in His unfailing, unfathomable, unending love.


This Sunday, March 10, we will continue our teaching series, “Going Deeper!”, with the amazing truth, “God is For you!” (Romans 8:31-39). The Apostle Paul asks two powerful questions: If God is for us, who can be against us? and Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Please invite someone to join you at 10:35am in the building or online for the Live broadcast on either Facebook (Honolulu AG) or our YouTube channel (Honolulu Assembly of God). We livestream every Sunday to both locations and would love to have you join us.

This Sunday is also Boys and Girls Missionary Challenge (BGMC) Sunday so, boys and girls, please bring your Buddy Barrels filled with coins for the BGMC offering. One boy or girl will be chosen to receive a special prize.

Coming Up: Palm Sunday is March 24 and Easter Sunday is March 31. Our next Fellowship Lunch (potluck) is scheduled for Sunday, April 7, after the 10:30am service.

Aloha ke Akua!



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Sunday Worship service 10:35am

Sunday Bible Classes for all ages 9:30am

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