Vaughan Edward Roberts is a Church of England clergyman, rector of St Ebbe’s in Oxford since 1998. He shares these thoughts about the soon return of Jesus Christ in his books “Missing The Point” (2007) and “Turning Points” (1999).
What would you change in your life, right now, if you knew for certain that Jesus was coming back in, say, six months? How would your life change; what would you do differently? Who would you seek to be reconciled with? Who would you start praying for? Who would you seek to share the gospel with? Who would you invite to come to an event or invite to join an enquirer’s course? What would you do differently; what would change if you knew for certain that Jesus’ return was just six months away? Friends, what makes you so certain that it’s not? Why are we so complacent?
During WWII, after the American troops were forced to surrender the Philippines to the Japanese in May 1942, General MacArthur vowed to retake the islands. He printed the words ‘I will return’ on thousands of leaflets which were then scattered across the country by aeroplanes. He kept his promise two years later.
Jesus made his intention to return to earth very clear. Although the date of His coming is a secret, He taught on many occasions that we should not doubt that it will happen. The second coming of Jesus Christ will be the next great turning point in the history of the world. Jesus taught that when He comes, everyone who has ever lived will have to stand before Him and be judged. There will be a great division. Some people will go to heaven, others [won’t be so fortunate].
Friends, Jesus is coming soon! We don’t know the day or the hour (Matthew 24:36) so there is no need to try and predict it, but we know that He promised us He would return and we know that He always fulfills His promises. And we know from His description that He is coming soon (Matthew 24; Mark 13; Luke 21). So we shout, Maranatha! (“Come, O Lord”, 1 Corinthians 16:22). Even so come Lord Jesus (Revelation 22:20).
In light of Christ’s soon return, how should we live? Compellingtruth.org describes it this way, “Following a description of the rapture in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17, Paul also teaches, ‘Encourage one another with these words’ (v8). For the believer, a proper under-standing that Christ will return at any moment for us should be a source of encouragement. Further, knowing that our time is limited should cause us to live holy lives. For example, 1 Corinthians 10:31 teaches, ‘So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.’ Colossians 3:23 adds, ‘Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.’”
Gotquestions.org adds, “The apostles lived and served with the idea that Jesus could return within their lifetime; what if they had ceased from their labors and just ‘waited’? They would have been in disobedience to Christ’s command to ‘go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation’ (Mark 16:15), and the gospel would not have been spread. The apostles understood that Jesus’ imminent return meant they must busy themselves with God’s work. They lived life to the fullest, as if every day were their last. We, too, should view every day as a gift and use it to glorify God.” May we live with an expectation of Christ’s soon return and may it make a difference in our lives.
This Sunday, October 20, we will continue our study series through 1st and 2nd Thessalonians entitled “Live READY!” with the topic, “The Glorious Rapture of the Church!” (1st Thessalonians 4:1-13-5:11). Please invite someone to join you at 10:35am in the building or online for the Live broadcast on either Facebook (Honolulu AG) or our YouTube channel (Honolulu Assembly of God). We Livestream every Sunday at 10:35am to both locations and would love to have you join us.
Ladies and keiki, please reserve Saturday, November 2, for “Sweet Surprises” at 11:30am in the Fellowship Hall, a fun time of sharing together plus preparing for December’s Treasure Trade. Bring something delicious to add to the table. Our November “Drive-through Prayer” outreach in the parking lot is also that same Saturday from 11am-1pm.
It’s coming soon! On Sunday, November 24, Honolulu Assembly of God will celebrate “50 years of Aloha!” with a special service at 10am with special speaker Renee Lo to be followed by a catered Lunch. Please mark your calendar and be sure to join us that day. Please confirm your reservation for lunch by the first week of November to either (office) 808-737-5789 or (email) office@honoluluag.com. Mahalo!
Aloha ke Akua!