The late great David Wilkerson, in his article “Nothing but Christ” at worldchallenge.org, challenges us to “Seek an Ever-Increasing Revelation of the Vastness of the Lord Jesus Christ!”
Ever since the cross, all spiritual giants have had one thing in common. They…became lost in the glorious vastness of Christ; and they died lamenting they still knew so little of Christ, yet wanted so much more knowledge of Him. So it was with all the disciples, with Paul and with many early church Fathers; with Luther, Zwingli, and the Puritans; with the pious English Preachers over the past two hundred years; with men like Wesley, Fletcher, Whitefield, Mueller, Stoney, Mackintosh, T. Austin–Sparks. And so it was and is with the pious Americans — Tozer, Ravenhill, and many, many others.
What a powerful rollcall, and every one of them shared the same ruling passion: an ever-increasing revelation of Jesus Christ. They cared nothing for the spectacular; the earthly, the things of this world, success, ambition, or worldly fame. They prayed — not for things, not for blessings, not to be used, not for anything of self — but only for a fuller revelation of the glory and vastness of their Lord.
A devil on the loose, having great wrath because he knows his time is limited, requires a greater revelation of Christ! Satan is displaying greater power, and hell is unleashing all its fury on this generation. The enemy strongholds are much more fortified, powerful, more entrenched than in any past generation. Without a doubt, Satan is revealing himself to the world as never before. The knowledge of Satan, his power, his kingdom, his workings is on the increase. He is becoming better known, less feared, more accepted.
A basic Bible school knowledge of Christ will not be enough in this final war! Knowing about Him is not enough. A life–long study of Christ is still [not] sufficient. We need to quit studying Christ; we need to go to His table and let the Holy Spirit reveal Him to us! That requires much time at His table.
…You had better not go into this world where demons rule uncontested unless you are committed to an ever-increasing revelation of Christ’s power and glory! The principalities and powers of darkness will laugh at you. You will have no impact in the kingdom of darkness. It is only the one who knows Christ in fullness, in ever-increasing vision, who sends fear throughout hell. You must know more than the four spiritual laws. You must be often on your knees; you must come forth from the throne-room — or you will crumble before the enemy.
…Our vision of Christ is too small, too limited. If we had a revelation of how vast Christ is — how boundless, measureless, limitless, immense — we could never again be overwhelmed by life’s problems.
What a great truth: Be overwhelmed by Jesus and you will not be overwhelmed by the world and its problems. If the choice is to be overwhelmed by one or the other, let’s choose Jesus every time. The world is a harsh taskmaster. Jesus is a delight, and He gives us a glorious invitation, “Come unto Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). Find your rest in Him.
Don’t ever think you know Him fully. Instead, get lost in Christ. Dive deep into the depths of His vastness. Be in awe of the ever-increasing revelation of His power and glory. Don’t be satisfied with anything less or anything else.
This Sunday, February 11, we begin our new teaching series, “Going Deeper!”, with the powerful truth, “Nothing but Jesus!” Friends, let us become obsessed with Jesus. May He become all in all to us! Please invite someone to join you at 10:35am in the building or online for the Live broadcast on either Facebook (Honolulu AG) or our YouTube channel (Honolulu Assembly of God). We livestream every Sunday to both locations and would love to have you join us.
Start your week by joining together for Bible Study each Sunday morning at 9:30am. There are classes for all ages: two for children, one for youth, and one for adults. The Adult Class will begin a new study entitled “The Cross” on February 18. Please don’t miss it!
Aloha ke Akua!