How would you answer the question, What do you need?
Jesus is All you need.
+ To the lost, He is the Way
+ To the dead, He is the Life
+ To the seeker, He is the Truth
+ To the sinner, He is the Author Of Salvation
+ To Time, He is the Ancient of Days
+ To the servant, He is the Good Master
+ To those at war, He is the Peacemaker
+ To the sheep, He is the Good Shepherd
+ To the thirsty, He is the Water of Life.
Jesus is All you need.
+ To chaos, He is Order
+ To crisis, He is Solution
+ To discouragement, He is Hope
+ To poverty, He is Riches
+ To weakness, He is Power
+ To mourning, He is Laughter
+ To ignorance, He is Knowledge.
Jesus is All you need.
+ When You have been Lied to
+ When you have been Spit on
+ When you have been Misused and Abused
+ When Stumbling Blocks have been placed in your way.
Jesus is All you need.
+ When you are hungry, He is your Living Bread
+ When you are poor, He is your Unsearchable Riches
+ When you are sad, He is your Good Tidings of Great Joy
+ When you are in darkness, He is your Light of the World
+ When you need advice, He is your Counselor
+ When you are tired, He is your Rest
+ When you are sick, He is your Great Physician
+ When you are lonely, He is your Friend
+ When you are weak, He is your Strength.
This Sunday, June 9, we will conclude our teaching series, “Who is Jesus?”, with the thrilling answer: “Jesus is All you need!” Please invite someone to join you at 10:35am in the building or online for the Live broadcast on either Facebook (HonoluluAG) or our YouTube channel (Honolulu Assembly of God). We livestream every Sunday to both locations and would love to have you join us.
Coming Up: Father’s Day is Sunday, June 16, and we will celebrate all Dads with a gift. Pastor Ron Peer will be our special speaker that day. Our “Celebration of Freedom” will be Sunday, June 30. A BBQ potluck lunch will take place right after the service and everyone is invited.
Aloha ke Akua!