In a Guidepost article entitled, “Finding God in the Darkness,” author Pablo Diaz shared this dramatic true story.
When times are hard and we feel as if nothing is going our way, we may give up all hope. But it is in these times that our faith can either suffer or grow stronger. The choice is up to us. In dark times, we can rediscover or deepen our faith and rekindle our relationship with God if we choose to. Finding God can happen in surprising ways.
Brian Houston, founder and pastor of the Global Hillsong Church and author of “There Is More: When the World Says You Can’t, God Says You Can,” shared a story about a man from Australia who found himself at the end of his rope. He was in the midst of a painful divorce, and when he thought it couldn’t get any worse, he was diagnosed with cancer. The man became so depressed that he decided to commit suicide by jumping off a mountain. However, on his way up the mountain, he encountered heavy traffic due to people directing cars to the Hillsong church for an event. This struck the man’s curiosity so he decided to check it out. At the church, he listened to music and words of hope and love. He quickly realized there was a solution to his problems. On his way to end it all, he encountered the grace and love of God. Instead of ending his life that day, he decided to begin truly living.
We all face difficult times in life, but it is how we react to these times that truly matters. When it feels that things couldn’t get any worse, we must remember to turn to the Lord. When we place our trust fully in the Lord, our faith grows deeper, our relationship with Him grows stronger, and we witness the miracles that only He can make happen.
How do you go about finding God?
Note: Hillsong Church’s leadership has been in the news recently but many good things did happen there, including this amazing true story.
We live in a world that has been infected and corrupted by sin. Bad things happen and, even as Christians, we are not immune from them. It would be marvelous to accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and never have another problem as long as we live. That would be amazing, but sadly that does not happen. Thankfully we have Someone to turn to in our time of need.
Jesus declared (John 16:33), “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” Jesus is the Victor! When He rose victoriously from the tomb, He defeated death, hell, and the grave. Nothing is too hard for Him. No one is above Him. There is nothing He cannot do. No matter how dark the day may be, Jesus is in control and will bring you to victory. Keep trusting Him!
This Sunday, March 30, we continue our series, “God Works the Night Shift!” This week be challenged to “Find God in the Dark Times” (Psalm 56:1-4, 8-11). Be inspired by the incredible story of Joseph (Genesis 37-41). In spite of being sold into slavery, then being unjustly accused of a crime and sent to prison (very dark times), Joseph kept putting his trust in the Lord. He put his faith, not in what he saw & experienced, but in the Lord who, though unseen, was faithful to watch over him and raise him up to a place of prominence and influence. Please invite someone to join you in the building or online for the Live broadcast on either Facebook (Honolulu AG) or our YouTube channel (Honolulu Assembly of God). We Livestream every Sunday to both locations and would love to have you join us.
Bible classes for all ages take place every Sunday morning at 9:30am. There are two classes for children, one for youth, and one for Adults (current study: The 12 Disciples). Let’s study the Word together this Sunday!
Coming Up: The 2025 Hawaii Assemblies of God District Conference takes place April 7-9 at First Assembly (Red Hill). The 6:30pm sessions are open to the public and everyone is welcome to attend. Palm Sunday is April 13 and Resurrection Sunday is April 20. Please invite someone to join you for these glorious celebrations.
Aloha ke Akua!