Pastor Brian Bill, writing at keepbelieving.com, shared this dramatic true story that was originally told by the Archbishop of Paris.
One night many years ago three young men set out to sample all the sinful delights of Paris. For hours they consumed themselves in every possible pleasure, holding back nothing, indulging their wildest fantasies.
When morning came, they found themselves lounging on the steps of a great cathedral recounting their exploits. Suddenly a strange idea hit one of them: Why not go inside and confess to the pastor all they had done? They meant it as a blasphemous joke, the ultimate insult after a night spent in sin. It would be their crowning glory.
So, fortified with the laughter of his friends, one young man volunteered to go see the minister. He began to confess his sins—loudly, one by one, in long, lurid detail. As he did, his friends outside began to laugh.
The pastor realized what was happening, interrupted the man, and said, “Young man, I have heard enough. You need not confess anything else. If you would like to be forgiven for all your sins, you only need to do one thing. Outside is a big Cross. Simply go there, kneel down, look at the Cross and say these words, ‘Lord Jesus, I know all you have done for me, and I (could not care less).’”
Saying nothing, the young man walked outside and knelt before the Cross, looked up at the dying Christ and said these words, “Lord Jesus, I know all that you have done for me … and I ask you to forgive my sins.”
The Archbishop of Paris ended with these words: “I know this is a true story, because I was that young man.”
Pastor Brian points out: “It all comes down to this. If you ever get a glimpse of the greatness of God, and what Jesus has done for you, you will never play church again and you’ll give God your best for the rest of your life.”
Malachi 3 declares that the Lord will send His messenger before the coming great day of the Lord. While we wait for that great day, we need to honor the Lord in every area of our life, including our finances. He asks a startling question (Malachi 3:8), Will a man rob God?
Pastor and Bible commentator David Guzik observes: “It’s an expression of astonishment.
• Astonishing because it is such a daring thing to do. • Astonishing because it is shamefully ungrateful.
• Astonishing because it is senselessly self-destructive. • Astonishing because it will certainly be punished.”
Guzik continues: “God calls it robbery because they had unlawful possession of what belonged to God. It isn’t because only the tithes and offerings belonged to God. In fact, everything we have belongs to God (Psalm 24:1). Yet God does not normally command us to give everything that belongs to Him; He allows us to keep some as managers on His behalf. But the tithes and offerings are different; they are not given to us to manage – they belong to what the LORD calls My house, the house of the LORD.” Don’t rob God and be ready for His coming!
This Sunday, August 18, we continue our teaching series, “Living Right-side Up in an Upside Down World”, with the challenge to “Be ready! Judgment is coming!” from Malachi 3. Please invite someone to join you at 10:35am in the building or online for the Live broadcast on either Facebook (Honolulu AG) or our YouTube channel (Honolulu Assembly of God). We Livestream every Sunday at 10:35am to both locations and would love to have you join us.
Note: Last Sunday’s Livestream did not appear on Facebook because of issues we are having with that site. Sunday’s video will be uploaded to Facebook today and the issue will hopefully be resolved before our next Livestream. Mahalo for your patience!
Bible Classes for all ages take place each Sunday morning at 9:30am. There are two classes for children, one for youth, and one for Adults. The Adult class began a new 9-week study last Sunday on the life of Joseph from the Old Testament. It was powerful! I urge you to join us this Sunday for the next session.
Aloha ke Akua!