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(Wednesday Bible Study Click here)

When and Where


Sunday Worship Celebration service at 10:35am

Enter into His presence with thanksgiving and His courts with praise!

Sunday Bible Study at 9:30am

Classes for all ages from keiki (kids) to kupuna (senior adults).

The current study for the Sanctuary class for adults is "The Cross".


1007 Koko Head Avenue

Mailing address: PO Box 10369

Honolulu, HI 96816

We are on the corner of Koko Head Street and Pahoa Avenue,

right across the street from the Kaimuki Fire Station.


Contact us


Meet our Pastor


Bryan Ashpole


Bryan Ashpole is the Senior Pastor of Honolulu Assembly of God. When he was young, his family moved from Minnesota to Kauai. After graduating from Kauai High School, he went to the Mainland for college and wound up staying for many years in the Seattle, WA, area. Bryan and his beautiful wife, Shirley (his “souvenir” from Seattle), moved back to Hawaii in 2009 and soon after became the third pastor here. He enjoys preaching, teaching, and loving people, and is always in awe of the love and grace of Jesus Christ.

See what's new by visiting his Blog.


Shirley Ashpole

Ministry Partner

Shirley is our pastor's wife plus partner in ministry and is involved in many areas at Honolulu Assembly of God, including leading in worship in song at the 10:35am celebration service. And when you call the church office, her friendly voice is often what you will hear.
She and her husband are a friendly, caring couple who would be thrilled to meet you.

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Assembly of God

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(808) 737-5789

Sunday Worship service 10:35am

Sunday Bible Classes for all ages 9:30am

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© 2024 |  Honolulu Assembly of God | 1007 Koko Head Avenue | Honolulu, HI  96816

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