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Praise the Lord!
Pastor Don McCullough of Solana Beach, CA, shares this true story about the greatness of God. Thomas Aquinas, a medieval theologian,...

Why Work? ( asked the question, “What is a Biblical theology of Work?” God created human...

You are Fearfully and Wonderfully Made!
Pastor Jeff Strite from Indiana shares some amazing facts and figures about the human body. In one square inch of your skin, you will...

He is my Refuge and Fortress!
Psalm 91:1 declares, “He (or she) who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest (or abide) in the shadow of the Almighty.” Brian...

Is the Lord in control?
Have you ever felt like this missionary couple? When Theodore Roosevelt was President of our nation, he – along with a rather large group...

Create in me a clean heeart, O God!
Psalm 51 is a beautiful and heart-breaking prayer of repentance, written by David after he was confronted by the prophet Nathan regarding...

A Mighty Fortress is our God!
At, Paul E. Brown shared this dramatic true story. A prominent English evangelist of the past was Granville Waldegrove, a...

The Blessedness of Salvation!
Thomas J. Jones (1896-1970) was a dynamic British preacher and Bible teacher, much in demand by American congregations. He taught at...

No Fear!
This Sunday we will study Psalm 27, a psalm asking for God’s intervention during times of trouble. In the next to last verse (v13), David...

Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord! (Our nation's godly heritage.)
Next Tuesday our nation will celebrate its 247th birthday. What a tremendous heritage of freedom! The United States of America has been a...

Dad, you're the Best!
This Sunday is Father’s Day and we will celebrate Dad. Why? Because his role in the life of his children is absolutely essential! I don’t...

Receive the Power of the Holy Spirit!
Pastor Davon Huss shared this true story about the transforming power of the Holy Spirit featuring missionary Ludwig Nommensen. I had...

You have an Anointing!
As a young man, Oswald Chambers, whose writings became the devotional classic, ‘My Utmost for His Highest’, battled a persistent sense of...

Be Filled with the Spirit!
This Sunday is Pentecost Sunday so we will celebrate the ministry of the Holy Spirit. The late great British preacher and author Charles...

We Need the Holy Spirit!
We will be looking at the ministry of the Holy Spirit the next Sundays in honor of the upcoming Pentecost Sunday. The following true...
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