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Faith-building Praise
We worship the Lord because He is worthy of all praise! But there is a benefit for us also. Praise unleashes supernatural power. Too many...

The Power of Praise
While lifting up praise and worship is primarily for the Father's pleasure, there is a benefit for us also. Spiritual power is manifested...

The Pre-Eminence of Father God
At the first church I pastored, a new couple started attending. Time went by and they told me that they wanted to enter into worship....

Extravagant Worship
In John 4, Jesus declares that the Father is seeking those who will worship Him in spirit and in truth. Wow! You and I can become the...

Let the Children Come!
In the Gospels, both Matthew (19:13-15) and Mark (10:13-16) record the account of parents bringing their children to Jesus. The...

What's the Big Deal about Serving?
In a society that values self-promotion (check out a Google search and find some interesting titles), choosing a servant lifestyle that...

Made for More
Peter, the outspoken disciple of Jesus, is fascinating! He was loud and brash. You would never miss him in a crowd! When Jesus sadly...

It's a Joy to be a Dad!
I'll never forget when my wife and I first learned we were going to have a child. It was very exciting - but not as exciting as the day...

Who switched the price tags?
Interesting question, isn't it? It's actually the title of a book I read years ago. The author pointed out that people spend their life...

How can we become like God?
Are you looking for a short cut to become like God?
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