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Noah: Faith to Overcome the Impossible!
How is your FQ? Not your IQ (Intelligence Quotient) but your FQ (Faith Quotient). Having a high IQ is advantageous, but having a good FQ...

Noah: Faith to Overcome the Impossible
How is your FQ? Not your IQ (Intelligence Quotient) but your FQ (Faith Quotient). Having a high IQ is advantageous, but having a good FQ...

A Christian's Declaration of Independence
We celebrate this week our nation's 243rd birthday. Wow! What a milestone worth celebrating! I thank the Lord for the freedom we have as...

Are you Worried about Tomorrow?
How is your WQ? You know about IQ (Intelligence Quotient), but how about WQ (Worry Quotient)? Considering all that is going on around us,...

Why the Search for a Church that Meets Your Needs is Futile
Carey Nieuwhof is a pastor and church thinker with a world-wide ministry. I receive a daily email from his ministry and have shared...

Why Believe the Bible? (part 2)
According to a 2017 poll by LifeWay Research, Americans are "fond of the Bible but don't actually read it." More than half (53%) have...

Why Believe the Bible? (part 1)
The Bible is the most widely read book in the history of the world. It has been translated, either in part or in its entirety, into over...

Now You Can Blog from Everywhere!
We’ve made it quick and convenient for you to manage your blog from anywhere. In this blog post we’ll share the ways you can post to your...

Design a Stunning Blog
When it comes to design, the Wix blog has everything you need to create beautiful posts that will grab your reader's attention. Check out...

Grow Your Blog Community
With Wix Blog, you’re not only sharing your voice with the world, you can also grow an active online community. That’s why the Wix blog...

Why am I Here?
Why am I here? That's a pretty powerful question. What's my purpose in life? Have you answered it yet? If not, let me give you a few...

The Word of Reunion!
Let's consider the last of Jesus' seven momentous words from the cross. In Luke 23:44-46 we read, "And the curtain of the temple was torn...

It is Finished!
Have you discovered that it’s easier to start something than it is to finish it? Probably all of us can remember some unfinished project,...

Let's think about the next of Jesus' last words from the cross. It is the word of Salvation and is found in Luke 23:39-43. Jesus' first...

Are you familiar with the 7 last sayings by Jesus on the cross? The first word is the word of Forgiveness! That's amazing! Think about...
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