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The Joy of Christmas
The joy of Christmas is contagious—but not primarily because of our gifts of dolls and trucks, bikes and pretty dresses, sweaters and...

Christmas: The Story of Nobodies
Feel like a Nobody this holiday season? (Or, for that matter, most of the year?) Be encouraged! You are the person the Lord wants. You...

Living in the Overflow!
A boy and his father were visiting a candy store one day and the owner of the candy store generously said to the boy, "Get yourself a big...

Let's Make the Church Together!
Enjoy the following true story that is a parable of unity and what the church - the Body of Christ - should look like. During Vacation...

The Prescription for Joy!
Anyone looking to be Unhappy? According to this prescription, it appears to revolve around living for myself. Who wants a Prescription...

Pass the Biscuits!
One Sunday morning, the pastor called on one of the deacons to lead in prayer. The deacon stood up, bowed his head and said, "Lord I hate...

More thoughts on our Changing Culture
A couple of weeks ago I shared Ed Stetzer's observations on how the Church can deal with our changing culture. Here are five insights...

How does the Church deal with a Changing Culture?
Noted author, pollster, statistician and church planter Ed Stetzer holds the Billy Graham Distinguished Chair for Church Mission and...

10 Lies Satan Tells You about Your Marriage
How is your marriage going? You have a spiritual enemy that is trying to bring problems and adversity into every area of your life,...

A Most Insightful Look at Suffering and the Christian
This beautiful letter was shared by Lon Solomon, author and long-time pastor of McLean Bible Church in the Washington, DC area. You can...

The Fellowship of the Unashamed!
I pastored a church on the eastside of Seattle from the late 1980's through the mid-90's. Just a few miles away was a mega-church, the...

How should Christians respond to mass shootings?
The mass shootings in 2019 (258 so far, according to Wikipedia) have saddened and angered many people. How do we respond? Christian news...

A Response to Christians who are Done with Church
It seems there are a number of people who are discouraged with organized church. In fact, according to, "In a shift that...

The "Knots" Prayer
Are you familiar with the "Knots" prayer? It's a keen insight from an unknown author. Dear God: Please untie the knots that are in my...

Abraham: Faith to Begin a Nation
I heard about a television program that featured Blind Skiers being trained for slalom skiing, impossible as that sounds. Paired with...
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